5 steps to Prevent Your Husband from The First Infidelity 0 4150

5 steps to Prevent Your Husband from The First Infidelity

Infidelity is not a mere word or usual act as portrayed by some men, each letter of this word is a dagger into the heart of every wife who becomes loyal, fighting and supportive of her husband and keen on him and the success of their relationship.

Infidelity is not of the things that a woman can forget as she does to live and adapt to life and the nature of man. Infidelity cannot be forgotten because it affects the heart, spirit and conscience.

So, now the question is….Is there anything that prevents the husband from cheating?

The question may seem easy for some, but it is difficult enough to give a sufficient and comprehensive answer for it, despite the difficulty of the answer, but it is possible to follow certain steps in an attempt to prevent the husband from cheating, what are those steps?

The first step…do not over-trust the husband

Perhaps some feel upset of the content of this step, especially as it is considered the most important steps that the wife must apply to prevent the husband from cheating.

Second step…seize his heart and mind

You have to do this dear wife without hesitation so there is no chance for another woman to take and tempt him, and if you do that, increase it and then leave the matter to God, he is the Almighty hears and sees and the best witnesses.

Third step….be always bright and elegant

Focus on appearing as he likes and the way that pleases him.

Fourth step… do not believe everything he say without making him feel that

Believing everything your husband says will make him reassure and underestimate your mind so be smart and try to make him feel that you are a woman who is not easy to deceive to respect your intelligence.

Fifth step… be ready always for the romantic night

If you cannot do that you have to apologize for him and explain the reasons gently and softly to be with him on another romantic night.

In the end, you have to know dear wife that the husband’s cheating  of his wife does not mean that it happened for any reason related to you or because something wrong with you, the wrong and defect in the person who  sinned in the right of God first and then in the right of himself and your right.

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